If We’re Going to Defeat Capitalism, We Need to Build a Working Class Base – Right Now
Makasi Motema Makasi Motema

If We’re Going to Defeat Capitalism, We Need to Build a Working Class Base – Right Now

What is the purpose of a communist party? For much of the Western left, the answer to that question has become abstract. Day-to-day political work generally consists of raising consciousness through political writings (only read by other leftists), responding to the crises faced by the working class with political demonstrations (only attended by other leftists), or developing survival programs (which can only collect and redistribute the meager resources of the oppressed). The notion of the victory of the working class over the capitalist ruling class is but a hazy object on the distant horizon. Instead, leftists have come to admire struggle for struggle’s sake, divorced from the attainment of any long-term objective.

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