Party Program

As an organization made up of members of the US working class and various oppressed nationalities within it, the Multinational Communist Party declares and upholds the following program for revolutionary struggle:

It Is The Duty Of Communists To Organize a Political Base Of Workers Councils,

These Workers Councils must be the organs of working class power, the prototype of a workers state, and the first step in the development of dual power. The creation of a workers state — where the working class can collectively exercise democratic control over the means of production — is the only road to a socialist economy where our labor power will be used for the common good, rather than to generate profit for the capitalists.

Our cadre must win the workers to support the struggle for Revolutionary Democratic Control by the Working Class. Our struggle is revolutionary because it involves the total overthrow of the capitalists; it is democratic because it insists upon the direct election of delegates and the subordination of the minority to the majority; and it represents total control by the working class because only the working class and the oppressed can be represented in these organs of workers power.

The Working Class Must Seize The Means of Production.

We can not be satisfied with economist demands for better conditions or wages, which are necessary only as a stepping stone for the eventual seizure of the means of production. Reforms and progressive policies will not resolve the contradiction between capital and labor.

The Capitalist State Exists to Defend the Interests of the Capitalist Class.

Those who operate, maintain, and serve in the white supremacist police occupation of oppressed communities, the prison-industrial complex, the military, and the fascist auxiliary, are the soldiers of capital and the enemies of the working class. We are committed to the defense of our class against all capitalist predations.

The Primary Contradiction Today is Imperialism, Driven by Finance Capital and Led By the United States.

The monopolization of industry in the US has led to the domination of banking i.e., ‘finance capital’. In order to sustain the capitalist economic system, the finance capitalists must continually search for new markets into which they can export capital and from which they can exploit labor and natural resources. It is this unending drive for exploitation which provides the economic basis for imperialism today. The US and its junior partners, including the EU, NATO, and Israel, form the sole imperialist block on the global stage. It is the duty of communists to struggle against the economic hegemony of finance capitalism and to maintain solidarity with those who resist it.

Our Solidarity With Existing Socialist Countries is Unshakeable.

The People's Republic of China, the Republic of Cuba, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the Lao People's Democratic Republic, and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam are models to the world of what can be achieved by working and oppressed people with the leadership of a communist party. We express solidarity with these countries, and with all countries who struggle for socialism and against imperialism.

We Support the Right of Oppressed Nations to Self-Determination.

People of African descent have waged a struggle for national liberation in North America for centuries, and any socialist struggle in the US must be formed around this revolutionary core. Further, the US is a prison-house of nations. People who have been oppressed by US imperialism and settler-colonialism must have the right to self-determination. Our commitment to supporting the struggles of oppressed nationalities must be premised on the principled application of Marxist-Leninism, not on any other litmus test.

In Order to Stop the Ongoing Genocide of Indigenous People,

The linguistic, cultural, and religious traditions - along with the land and water rights - of indigenous people must be given high priority in all deliberations.

We Uphold the Revolutionary Tradition of All Those Who Fought Against the Racist and Genocidal Oppression of the United States.

Indigenous resistance, slave rebellions, and the armed struggle of exploited laborers in the early 20th century represent the true revolutionary history of this continent. We reject patriotism towards the United States as a means of appealing to backwards strata of the working class because the United States is a political construct devised by settler-slave owners, because it alienates oppressed nationalities and indigenous peoples, and because the backwards strata of workers can only be won over by a correct political line that addresses their material needs — not by pandering and infantilization.

The Multinational Communist Party Has a Zero-Tolerance Policy Towards Abuse of Any Kind. This is the “Revolution Within the Revolution” the revolution within ourselves.

Violence and harassment between members of the working class is directed most often towards people of color, people of oppressed genders, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and people with disabilities. Abuse towards individuals or groups is perpetuated by capitalists to break the solidarity of the working class. It weakens our ability to unite to defeat capitalism. It is vital that our comrades feel secure in our ranks and know that their lived experiences will be trusted, regardless of nationality, gender, orientation, or disability. Therefore, we oppose all manifestations of white chauvinism, patriarchy, homophobia, trans and queer phobia, and ableism.

We Are Marxist-Leninists.

We study dialectical and historical materialism in the pursuit of socialism. Marxism-Leninism has proven itself as the most effective weapon against capitalist imperialism. We are not sectarian and will work with any allies who wish to fight against capitalism, but we do not view Trotskyism, Maoism, Anarchism, or any other leftist philosophy as an effective model to adopt for ourselves.