Statement on the Anti-Communist Disruptors at Rad Pride 2023

On Saturday July 1st, members of the Multinational Communist Party attended Rad Pride 2023 in Irving Park, Portland, Oregon to serve food and conduct political outreach. The response was mostly positive. However, at approximately 2:00pm, an unidentified group of self-described leftists approached our comrades, grabbed their pamphlets, tore them up, and threw them in the garbage. The group attempted to bait them into a physical altercation by shouting, “f*ck tankies, f*ck statists, f*ck China, f*ck Cuba”.   

Other attendees, representing various left ideologies, intervened to help de-escalate and the hostile group left. Our comrades relocated their table near a supportive group of Indigenous organizers and continued to serve food and conduct political outreach. 

We should be clear; actions like this are helpful to, and very often instigated by, the capitalist state. We condemn this wrecking behavior, whatever the intentions behind it. We also thank those who intervened on our behalf, and who greatly outnumbered the disruptors. The Multinational Communist Party states clearly and firmly that we are undeterred by these pin pricks. We are committed to organizing the working class, and we will continue to do outreach amongst LGBTQ+ workers and workers of color. 

In Solidarity, 

Political Committee

Multinational Communist Party 


Strikes and Seizing the Means of Production


Capitalism and the Black Working Class