The Fall of US Capitalism and the Victory of Socialism, Part II
Revolutionary struggle does not manifest in a single instance of outrage by the masses. Revolutionary struggle is a dialectical process – the exploited class gradually builds its strength, while at the same time it degrades the strength of the ruling exploiter class. These small quantitative changes in the relative power of the two opposing classes, over time, lead to a qualitative change — the victory of the exploited and the destruction of the exploiter.
Mutual Aid and Class Struggle
Societies provide for all of their members by collecting surplus and redistributing it. Workers create surplus by applying their labor power to the means of production. However, this surplus is stolen by capitalists for private use and can not be adequately redistributed as long as capitalists maintain their control.
Analysis of Strike Activity in the Second Half of 2023
In spite of this struggle, the communist movement has lagged to a shocking decree. Over the last century, US communists have transformed from a vanguard to a rearguard. We could decry opportunists, tailists, adventurists, and agents-provocateur. But this must be done at the same time as we conduct full scale campaigns of workplace investigation and organization. The organization and mobilization of the working class towards economic and eventually political strikes must be our central, most-jealously held task. Openly communist agitation and propaganda must be brought to the workers.
Iran, the Israeli Occupation, and the Violence of the Capitalist State
It is our task to see that which is dying and that which struggles to be born. We must further embed ourselves in the working class because we have been presented with a world-historic opportunity. The pathway for the growth of socialist revolution is beginning to be cleared away, much as it was in Russia following its devastating failure in the 1904-1905 Russo-Japanese war.
We Have a Duty to Lead
For a revolutionary, love of the people requires seizing the reins of leadership. True commitment requires us to educate, instruct, and guide working and oppressed people towards revolution.
Palestinian Liberation and the Tasks of US Labor
Israel’s ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza has shocked the world. This genocide is only possible through the provisioning of arms, ammunition, and funding from the US capitalist empire. Without US capitalist backing, the regime would collapse quickly, as apartheid South Africa did some thirty years ago. So where is the US working class?
The Fall of US Capitalism and the Victory of Socialism, Part I
Dialectics is the study of change. It is the study of birth, growth, and death. When an object, organism, or system grows to maturity, it begins to decay. Capitalism is no different. All economic systems are finite. They are brought into being and when they no longer serve the needs of society, they are dismantled.
Capitalism and Women's Exploitation
In capitalist society, workers are exploited by the ruling capitalist class. But exploitation of workers is not the only form that exploitation takes; there are other particular forms of exploitation. For example, the exploitation of Black and Indigenous people by white colonizers through chattel slavery and genocide, which facilitated further exploitation, creating an underclass within the underclass.
Another very prominent kind of exploitation is gender-based exploitation, which in our current era exists in the form of patriarchy, which is then further shaped by the conditions of capitalism. While patriarchy is harmful to all people, it involves and is facilitated primarily by the oppression of women. Women’s exploitation contributes to the power of the capitalist class; therefore, the liberation of women and the end of gender-based exploitation of all kinds is a necessary component of socialism.
Strikes and Seizing the Means of Production
The capitalist state — the police, military, courts, and associated legal scaffolding — allows individuals to privately own the resources that are used by the society to produce its needs. Under capitalism, production is social but ownership is private. This ownership of the means of production is the source of capitalist power. The strike is the first weapon at the disposal of the working class to break that power.
Capitalism and the Black Working Class
Why do we center the Black working class in our revolutionary struggle? It is because of the acute and historic exploitation of Black people in the US and because of their revolutionary history in struggling against this oppression.
The Dialectics of Organizing and Mobilization
A revolution, among other things, is a series of mass mobilizations, continuing on until the quantity of mobilizations creates a qualitative change in societal power relations. A revolution is the collective action of an entire class. How do we get an entire class to move?
Committees, Councils, and the Construction of Revolution
With our superior numbers, the capitalist regime stands no chance against our united efforts. But ‘unity’ is the operative word, and it does not develop spontaneously. Unity is achieved through the painstaking construction of workers’ organizations — organizations which are tempered, tested, and hardened through struggle as steel within a furnace.
Workers Must Take Power
A better society, even a livable one, cannot exist as long as the capitalist regime is in power. But how can we defeat capitalism and what do we build in its place?
If We’re Going to Defeat Capitalism, We Need to Build a Working Class Base – Right Now
What is the purpose of a communist party? For much of the Western left, the answer to that question has become abstract. Day-to-day political work generally consists of raising consciousness through political writings (only read by other leftists), responding to the crises faced by the working class with political demonstrations (only attended by other leftists), or developing survival programs (which can only collect and redistribute the meager resources of the oppressed). The notion of the victory of the working class over the capitalist ruling class is but a hazy object on the distant horizon. Instead, leftists have come to admire struggle for struggle’s sake, divorced from the attainment of any long-term objective.