Pizzeria Workers in Portland Face Union Busting
Quell Nessuno Quell Nessuno

Pizzeria Workers in Portland Face Union Busting

On January 9, 2025, workers at the Central Eastside location of Sizzle Pie, a Portland pizzeria chain, unanimously voted to unionize, choosing to join the Restaurant Workers United after convincing an overwhelming majority of their coworkers to sign union authorization cards. Their demands included liveable wages, predictable scheduling, safe working conditions, and stable employment – all things that every worker deserves. By unionizing, the workers exercised their collective power – in other words, the people whose labor makes Sizzle Pie run demanded a say in how the business is run.

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How a Planned Economy Will Solve “Resource Scarcity”
Quell Nessuno Quell Nessuno

How a Planned Economy Will Solve “Resource Scarcity”

We produce enough food globally to feed every single human being. Yet, hundreds of millions of people experience food insecurity. In the United States, there are nearly sixteen million vacant homes. But 650,000 people experience homelessness. Additionally, millions go without adequate medical care – but we have enough doctors. The data is clear. The resources themselves are not scarce. Yet the inability to access resources essential for survival is a major source of suffering. Why is it that so many people are going without – and what is to be done about it?

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The Fall of US Capitalism and the Victory of Socialism, Part II
Makasi Motema Makasi Motema

The Fall of US Capitalism and the Victory of Socialism, Part II

Revolutionary struggle does not manifest in a single instance of outrage by the masses. Revolutionary struggle is a dialectical process – the exploited class gradually builds its strength, while at the same time it degrades the strength of the ruling exploiter class. These small quantitative changes in the relative power of the two opposing classes, over time, lead to a qualitative change — the victory of the exploited and the destruction of the exploiter.

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The Ideology of the Working Class
Quell Nessuno Quell Nessuno

The Ideology of the Working Class

If the working class is to liberate itself, it needs to understand the ideology of the capitalists and embrace an ideology of its own – and that ideology is dialectical materialism.

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Statement on the 2024 US Presidential Elections
Makasi Motema Makasi Motema

Statement on the 2024 US Presidential Elections

Though the capitalist ruling class will do everything possible to obscure it, there can be no doubt that this election was a referendum on the genocide in Gaza. In this bleak moment, we should acknowledge that the working class did not allow a genocidal administration to win another term. 

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Hotel Workers Strike on Labor Day
Quetzal Pineda Quetzal Pineda

Hotel Workers Strike on Labor Day

The workers’ demands highlight that a greater share of wealth for the capitalists necessarily means a greater share of misery for those who create that wealth - the workers themselves. Workers are laboring longer and harder for far less money, increasing the amount that capitalists can steal.

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The Incorrect Tactics of Communists During the 2024 Presidential Election
Makasi Motema Makasi Motema

The Incorrect Tactics of Communists During the 2024 Presidential Election

The correct path is to explain to the working class that the presidential elections are a masquerade which attempts to legitimize the genocidal imperialist rule of the US capitalist class. Both candidates are our unrelenting class enemies, whose objective is our subjugation and exploitation. Liberation can only come from committing our energy to building our own centers of power — working class centers of power and socialist revolution.

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On Reactionary Environmentalism
James James

On Reactionary Environmentalism

Us revolutionaries, us Marxists must combat the ways in which capitalism mystifies the natural world and our relation to it. With dialectical materialism we see that there is no dichotomy between civilization and nature. Nature is not something to be conquered, nor is it something humans must “return to”, or that should reclaim us at the cost of basic security and livelihood for millions or billions of the most vulnerable people. There is no human production without the natural land it must occur on, and we are at a point where the way we produce things directly affects the environmental trajectory of the entire planet. We must understand the relationship between civilization and nature as a dialectical one, and dismantle the structures of capitalist imperialism so that we can overcome our alienation as workers, with the planet we all live on, produce on, and need to survive.

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Mutual Aid and Class Struggle
Quell Nessuno Quell Nessuno

Mutual Aid and Class Struggle

Societies provide for all of their members by collecting surplus and redistributing it. Workers create surplus by applying their labor power to the means of production. However, this surplus is stolen by capitalists for private use and can not be adequately redistributed as long as capitalists maintain their control.

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The Imperialists Have Their Claws in the Congo
Quell Nessuno Quell Nessuno

The Imperialists Have Their Claws in the Congo

Christian Malanga’s attempted May 2024 coup in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is a case study in imperialism, that provides us a window into the economic and political necessities of the imperialist machine. Through this study, we can understand our own tasks and continue the fight for revolution.

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Ethiopia Against Imperialism
Thunderbird Thunderbird

Ethiopia Against Imperialism

In order to reverse the pattern of unequal exchange, the Ethiopian government has developed multiple state-led economic development plans. While portions of state companies are indeed being sold off on a newly created stock market, the government still maintains majority shares in all state assets. State owned corporations are developed in key areas in order to provide a robust infrastructure for economic development in poor areas. This shift away from US puppetry towards economic self-reliance has drawn the ire of US warhawks.

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Analysis of Strike Activity in the Second Half of 2023
Makasi Motema Makasi Motema

Analysis of Strike Activity in the Second Half of 2023

In spite of this struggle, the communist movement has lagged to a shocking decree. Over the last century, US communists have transformed from a vanguard to a rearguard. We could decry opportunists, tailists, adventurists, and agents-provocateur. But this must be done at the same time as we conduct full scale campaigns of workplace investigation and organization. The organization and mobilization of the working class towards economic and eventually political strikes must be our central, most-jealously held task. Openly communist agitation and propaganda must be brought to the workers. 

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Iran, the Israeli Occupation, and the Violence of the Capitalist State
Makasi Motema Makasi Motema

Iran, the Israeli Occupation, and the Violence of the Capitalist State

It is our task to see that which is dying and that which struggles to be born. We must further embed ourselves in the working class because we have been presented with a world-historic opportunity. The pathway for the growth of socialist revolution is beginning to be cleared away, much as it was in Russia following its devastating failure in the 1904-1905 Russo-Japanese war.

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We Have a Duty to Lead
Quell Nessuno Quell Nessuno

We Have a Duty to Lead

For a revolutionary, love of the people requires seizing the reins of leadership. True commitment requires us to educate, instruct, and guide working and oppressed people towards revolution.

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What Is Imperialism?
Quell Nessuno Quell Nessuno

What Is Imperialism?

If we are to truly understand our current world — and indeed if we are to change it — we must wield a precise definition of “imperialism.”

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Palestinian Liberation and the Tasks of US Labor
Makasi Motema Makasi Motema

Palestinian Liberation and the Tasks of US Labor

Israel’s ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza has shocked the world. This genocide is only possible through the provisioning of arms, ammunition, and funding from the US capitalist empire. Without US capitalist backing, the regime would collapse quickly, as apartheid South Africa did some thirty years ago. So where is the US working class?

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The Fall of US Capitalism and the Victory of Socialism, Part I
Makasi Motema Makasi Motema

The Fall of US Capitalism and the Victory of Socialism, Part I

Dialectics is the study of change. It is the study of birth, growth, and death. When an object, organism, or system grows to maturity, it begins to decay. Capitalism is no different. All economic systems are finite. They are brought into being and when they no longer serve the needs of society, they are dismantled.

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The Revolutionary Struggle in the US Part 1
Quetzal Pineda Quetzal Pineda

The Revolutionary Struggle in the US Part 1

The creation of what is known today as the United States of America is steeped in myth and legend. Those who are subject to schooling in the US are taught that the colonization of what would become ‘America’ began as an attempt by everyday Europeans to flee “religious persecution” or a quest to find opportunity. We are also told that these newcomers were welcomed with open arms, at least initially, by the peoples already inhabiting what would come to be known as New England. Decades on, it is said that the “Founding Fathers” shrugged off the oppressive British Crown in order to secure such noble principles as “freedom” and “liberty”. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

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